Types Of Amputees In Edmonton

By | September 24, 2022

There are a variety of amputations that can occur, and each rehabilitation process will be unique based on the type of amputation. Below is a general overview of the different types of amputees and their corresponding rehabilitation needs:

1. Upper limb amputation: This type of amputation includes the loss of a limb from the shoulder to the hand. Amputees who have upper limb amputations typically require extensive physical and occupational therapy to regain mobility and function. Amputated rehabilitation in Edmonton may include exercises to improve strength and flexibility in the arm, as well as instruction on how to use prosthetic devices. 

2. Lower limb amputation: This type of amputation includes the loss of a limb below the knee. Amputees who have lower limb amputations typically require less physical therapy than those with upper limb amputations. Rehabilitation may focus on teaching patients how to use prosthetic devices and managing pain. 

3. Total body injury: Amputees who have total body injuries may experience difficulty with basic activities such as dressing, bathing, and walking due to lost muscle mass or impaired nerve function in the affected area. Rehabilitation for these individuals typically focuses on helping them regain strength and mobility in the damaged area while also teaching them adaptive skills such as how to dress and bathe. 

4. Complex regional pain syndrome: Amputees who suffer from complex regional pain syndrome are unable to experience pain through the affected area, which can sometimes affect the nerves in the remaining limb or limb stump. In addition, they may experience muscle spasms and/or cramping in the muscles adjacent to their amputation site.