Bathtub Design Trends to Watch for in 2021

By | March 18, 2024

As we head into 2021, here are some bathtub design trends to keep an eye on:

Freestanding Tubs: Freestanding tubs have been gaining popularity in recent years, and this trend is set to continue into 2021. These tubs make a bold statement in any bathroom and come in a variety of shapes and materials, from sleek acrylic to classic cast iron. Freestanding tubs can create a focal point in the room and add a touch of luxury to any space. 

Minimalist Design: Minimalism continues to be a strong influence in interior design, including in bathroom spaces. When it comes to bathtubs, look for clean lines, simple shapes, and understated elegance. Minimalist tubs often feature sleek designs and neutral colors, creating a serene and relaxing atmosphere in the bathroom

Statement Hardware: In 2021, expect to see more bold and unique hardware options for bathtubs. From chic matte black finishes to eye-catching brass fixtures, the hardware on your bathtub can add a touch of personality to the space. Statement hardware can elevate even the most basic bathtub design and make a striking impression in your bathroom. – 

Customization Options: With the rise of personalized design trends, customizable bathtub options are becoming more popular. Many manufacturers now offer a range of customization options, from choosing the color and finish of your tub to selecting unique features like built-in lighting or aromatherapy systems. Customizable bathtubs allow you to tailor the design to your preferences and create a truly one-of-a-kind space. –

Technology Integration: Technology is making its way into the bathroom, and bathtubs are no exception. In 2021, look for tubs with integrated technology features like built-in speakers, LED lighting, and touch controls. These high-tech bathtub options can enhance your bathing experience and create a spa-like atmosphere in your own home. 

Natural Materials: As homeowners seek to bring more nature-inspired elements into their homes, natural materials are becoming increasingly popular in bathtub design. Look for tubs made from materials like wood, stone, or even copper to add a touch of organic warmth to your bathroom. These natural materials can create a sense of tranquility and connection to the outdoors in your bathing space. 

Sustainable Design: With a growing focus on sustainability and eco-conscious living, sustainable bathtub design is on the rise. Look for tubs made from recycled materials, water-saving features like low-flow faucets, and energy-efficient options that can help reduce your environmental footprint. Sustainable bathtub design allows you to enjoy a luxurious bathing experience while minimizing your impact on the planet. – *

Vintage-Inspired Styles: Vintage-inspired design elements are making a comeback in bathtub design, with nods to classic styles like clawfoot tubs and Art Deco details. These timeless designs can add a sense of nostalgia and elegance to your bathroom, creating a space that feels both modern and timeless. Vintage-inspired tubs can be a striking focal point in any bathroom and add a touch of old-world charm to the space.

Japanese Soaking Tubs: Japanese soaking tubs, also known as ofuro or deep soaking tubs, are a popular trend in bathtub design for 2021. These compact, deep tubs are designed for full-body immersion and provide a relaxing and rejuvenating bathing experience. Japanese soaking tubs are ideal for small spaces and can add a spa-like feel to your bathroom. Look for sleek, minimalist designs with ergonomic features for the ultimate in comfort and style. 

Colorful Accents: While white remains a classic choice for bathtub design, colorful accents are becoming more popular in 2021. Look for tubs in bold, vibrant colors like deep blue, emerald green, or rich burgundy to add a pop of personality to your bathroom. Colorful tubs can create a focal point in the space and add a touch of fun and whimsy to your design. In conclusion, there are plenty of exciting bathtub design trends to look out for in 2021.

From freestanding tubs to minimalist designs to high-tech features, there are options to suit every style and preference. Whether you prefer a sleek and modern look or a more vintage-inspired aesthetic, there is a bathtub trend to help you create the perfect bathing space in the new year. Keep these trends in mind as you plan your bathroom renovation or upgrade, and you'll be sure to stay on-trend and create a stylish and functional bathroom that you'll love for years to come.