Different Types Of HVAC Systems And RepairsIn Burlington

By | February 8, 2023

There are different types of HVAC systems, and each type has its own set of repair needs. Depending on the type of system you have, you may need to call a professional for repairs. Here are some of the most common types of HVAC systems and the repairs they may need:

– Central air conditioners: These systems use a central unit to cool your home. Burlington common HVAC repairs for central air conditioners include replacing the compressor, fan, or evaporator coil.

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– Heat pumps: Heat pumps are used to both heat and cool your home. They typically need fewer repairs than other types of HVAC systems. However, common repairs for heat pumps include defrosting the outdoor unit and replacing the filter.

– Furnaces: Furnaces heat and circulate air through your home. Common furnace repairs include cleaning or replacing the filter and igniting the pilot light. 

– Ductless mini-splits: These systems use individual units to heat and cool each room. Common ductless mini-split repairs include cleaning the condenser coils and replacing the fan motor.

No matter what type of HVAC system you have, it will need maintenance and repairs from time to time. Be sure to call a professional if you’re unsure how to handle any repair.

Remember, don't jump right into trying major repairs without consulting an expert as doing so could result in costly mistakes.