How to Prevent Identity Theft?

By | December 5, 2022

Identity theft is a serious problem that can have a lasting impact on your life. There are steps you can take to help prevent identity theft and protect yourself.

Here are some tips to prevent identity theft:

1. Be cautious about who you give your personal information to. Identity thieves can pose as legitimate businesses or individuals in order to get your information. Only give your personal information to people or organizations you know and trust.  If you want to know more about identity theft scams you may visit Watch Your Pocket.

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2. Keep your personal information secure. Store important documents in a safe place and don’t carry them with you unless absolutely necessary. Shred unwanted documents that contain personal information before throwing them away.

3. Be aware of what’s happening with your credit report. Check your credit report regularly for any suspicious activity. You’re entitled to one free credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus every year. You can request yours at

4. Protect your computer and mobile devices with security software, including firewall and antivirus protection, and keep these programs up-to-date. Don’t click on links or open attachments from unknown email senders, and be careful about what sites you visit online – only download files from trusted sources.

5. Monitor your financial accounts closely for any unusual activity, such as unexpected charges or withdrawals, and report any suspicious activity immediately to your financial institution .

Taking these precautions can help you avoid becoming a victim of identity theft. If you think you may be a victim, contact the Federal Trade Commission and your local law enforcement agency immediately.