How To Remove Ear Wax Safely

By | June 29, 2023

Ear wax serves the important purpose of keeping dirt, dust, and other foreign particles out of the ear canal. While it does serve an important purpose, too much ear wax can cause discomfort and even lead to hearing loss. To maintain your ears' health, it is important to know how to remove ear wax safely.

The first step in ear wax removal is to soften the wax. There are several ways to do this, such as using mineral oil, baby oil, or hydrogen peroxide. Place a few drops of the oil or peroxide into the ear and let it sit for several minutes before attempting to remove the wax. If you are looking for the best ear wax removal service you may click Colwynby Hearing Practice.

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Once the wax is softened, the next step is to use an ear wax removal kit. These kits come with a bulb syringe, which is used to suction out the softened wax. Fill the syringe with warm water and gently insert it into the ear. Gently squeeze the bulb to suction out the softened wax. Be sure to move the syringe in a circular motion to ensure that all of the wax is removed.

If you do not have an ear wax removal kit, you can also use a cotton swab to remove the wax. Be sure to use a clean cotton swab and be careful not to push the swab too far into the ear. Gently swirl the swab around the ear canal to remove the softened wax.

It is important to note that you should never use a cotton swab to clean the ear canal. Doing so can push the wax further into the ear and cause hearing loss or even damage the ear canal.